Travel insurance pre-existing conditions are one of the most important areas of concern for any travel insurance plan. Next to eligibility criteria, pre-existing medical conditions can dictate whether or not you have actual insurance coverage, should a medical emergency occur while on vacation.
While an individual may purchase travel medical insurance for peace of mind, they must remain cognizant of that fact that an insurance policy is a contract and has, by definition, conditions and clauses that may render the contract for insurance ineffective, or null and void. Pre-existing conditions are an example of such clauses, and therefore one should fully understand these prior purchasing the travel health insurance policy, and more importantly prior to travelling.
While an individual may purchase travel medical insurance for peace of mind, they must remain cognizant of that fact that an insurance policy is a contract and has, by definition, conditions and clauses that may render the contract for insurance ineffective, or null and void. Pre-existing conditions are an example of such clauses, and therefore one should fully understand these prior purchasing the travel health insurance policy, and more importantly prior to travelling.