Monday, 31 October 2011

Travel Insurance Pre-Existing Conditions

Travel insurance pre-existing conditions are one of the most important areas of concern for any travel insurance plan. Next to eligibility criteria, pre-existing medical conditions can dictate whether or not you have actual insurance coverage, should a medical emergency occur while on vacation.

While an individual may purchase travel medical insurance for peace of mind, they must remain cognizant of that fact that an insurance policy is a contract and has, by definition, conditions and clauses that may render the contract for insurance ineffective, or null and void. Pre-existing conditions are an example of such clauses, and therefore one should fully understand these prior purchasing the travel health insurance policy, and more importantly prior to travelling.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Travel Insurance Reviews

Travel insurance 101 talked about the importance of a Canadian traveller understanding their travel medical insurance policy they've purchased prior to traveling. That is the most important aspect to snowbird insurance.

But, how does one know what type of travel health insurance to purchase?

Well, the are several important Canadian associations that support the travel, snowbird and senior lifestyles; namely, the Canadian Snowbird Association and the Royal Canadian Legion. These associations make up Canada's most experienced travelers who know and understand the importance of protection.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Travel insurance 101

Travel insurance - the best way to start  a blog about travel insurance is to describe the what's important in a travel insurance product. Well its the policy! You can buy cheap, you can buy expensive, or somewhere in between. Bottom line is - if you don't understand your travel insurance policy, you're throwing your money away!

Most travellers think that nothing will happen on their travels. And, most are right. But that's not why we buy travel insurance. Some buy travel insurance for the trip cancellation portion. Some buy it emergency medical insurance. Some buy it for the baggage insurance. And some buy it for all of the above coverages. Mostly travellers buy travel insurance for peace of mind.

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